Back to Basics

Dec 12, 2024

I always feel like there is a better or more optimal way to do things. More often than not this leads to analysis paralysis and overthinking rather than acting. I usually end up spending all my energy on thinking about how to best approach a problem rather than actually solving it.

What I am really trying to do with this blog, and writing in general, is to clarify my headspace and reorient myself around two things:

  1. Applying minimalist principles throughout my life and
  2. More effectively wielding the technology I already have

There are definitely ‘optimal’ ways of doing just about every task you can think of. However, it is not always necessary or critical to do everything in the most optimal way. Sometimes it makes sense to act in order to maintain motivation and momentum. A lot of time when I stress out about ensuring a task is done most optimally I end up completing it too late or over-analyzing different approaches until I have to make a split-decision anyways.

And so I find myself trying to master minimalism in all areas of my life once again. Starting of course with the inner world and working my way out.

I hope this blog interests anyone who enjoys using tech but wants to use it in a more tempered and intentional way. I will probably post some software reviews of the tools I use as well as any writings that I find interesting.

Until next time ...