
Oct 14, 2024

I recently rediscovered a little booklet titled "Think". It's the kind of book you can just open to any page, basically all of the pages are just single thoughts . I hope it inspires someone who may stumble across it here in my blog.

You can only have two things in life, Reasons or Results. Reasons don't count.

If you are constantly being mistreated, you're cooperating with the treatment.

You don't have to be positive, you just have to be yourself.

Trying provides two excuses, an excuse for not Doing. And an excuse for not Having.

You cannot control without being controlled.

The angry people are those who are most afraid.

There is no way to know before experiencing.

What you said is exactly what you intended to say.

Some people are willing to work, only if they can start at the top and work up.

The thing we run from is the thing we run to.

Consciously or unconsciously, you always get what you expect.

Others can stop you temporarily, only you can do it permanently.

Whatever you are trying to avoid won't go away until you confront it.

Most of our lives are about proving something, either to ourselves or to someone else.

If you don't start, it's certain you won't arrive.

What you can't communicate runs your life.

If you don't have what you want, you are not committed to it 100%.

Your enemy might become your friend, if you allow him to be who he is.

If you worry about what might be, and wonder what might have been, you will ignore what is.

Before you can break out of prison, you must first realize you're locked up.

When you blame others, you give up your power to change.

Whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you will have.

If you acknowledge you are unconscious, you are no longer unconscious.

Divorces are final long before they go to court.

Your interpretation of what you see and hear, is just that, your interpretation.

If you find a good solution and become attached to it, the solution may become your next problem.

Criticize the performance, not the performer.

What works for you may not work for someone else. So what makes you think your way is so much better.

When you really take a good look at your life, Success is all you've ever had.

If you are not rich, notice how you make yourself poor.

You are the cause of everything that happens to you. Be careful what you cause.

There is no right or wrong, only consequences.

The one who loves the least controls the relationship.

If you require someone to change, you require that person to lie to you.

If you don't like the direction the river is flowing, don't jump in.

We fear the thing we want the most.

Feelings of inferiority and superiority are the same. They both come from fear.

After all is said and done, much is said and little is done.

The biggest risk in life is not risking.

What we Are is God's gift to us. What we Become is our gift to God.

Excuses are your lack of faith in your own power.

Things are not what they seem, they are what they are.

You can get everything in life you want, if you will help enough other people get what they want.

If you don't like the games people play, make up your own games.

There are many things I want, but few things I need.

If you prepare for old age, old age comes sooner.

If you have a college degree you can be absolutely sure of one thing . . . you have a college degree.

There is brutality and there is honesty. There is no such thing as brutal honesty.

If you are going to give a gift, notice your true intentions.

There are no victims, only volunteers.

If you are not leaning, no one will ever let you down.

People concern themselves with being normal, rather than natural.

Ultimately you have no choice but to feel what you are feeling.

If you have made yourself important, notice you're not important.

Worry comes from the belief you are powerless.

Your ability to relax is in direct proportion to your ability to trust life.

Any system that takes responsibility away from people, dehumanizes them.

Whatever you want, wants you.

Most of the time we don't communicate, we just take turns talking.

If you are afraid to lose anything you have, at some point in your life you will lose it.

If you have to be happy you will always be unhappy.

The way to win is to make it ok to lose.

What you are afraid to do is a clear indicator of the next thing you need to do.

If you stick your head in the sand, one is for sure, you'll get your rear kicked.

If you are honest because honesty is the best policy, then your honesty is corrupt.

Maturity consists of no longer being taken in by one's self.

Once you realize you have given your power away, you can make the decision to take it back.

Less effort creates more results.

If you have a constant need to help other people, notice how you must keep them helpless.

Life always keeps its agreement with you.

There are none so righteous as the newly converted.

Hoping and Wishing are excuses for not Doing.

He who laughs, lasts.

If your life isn't working the way you want it to, notice you're lying.

You are the only teacher you will ever have.

If you don't know what direction to take, you haven't acknowledged where you are.

Once you accept an idea it's an idea whose time has come.